View the traces of stray pets in Cat, confirm the time and location, and find lost pets or waiting for rescue. Or you can easily share the traces of stray pets to help them get back home!

" Search Traces " allows users to share information about stray pets' locations, appearance, and time of sighting on the website, increasing the chances of successful rescue and reuniting them with their families.

In our busy lives, what would you do if you come across a stray dog or cat that looks lost? You might not be able to wait with them or provide a temporary shelter, but you may still want to help in some way... So why not take a photo and upload it!

Visit Home and access the " Search Traces " feature. Simply take a photo, share the location, and publish it to lend a hand to the stray pets!

Spot a suspected lost pet or stray animal | Furstamp


Spot a suspected lost pet or stray animal

Visit the website and provide location and information | Furstamp


Visit the website and provide location and information

Use the trace feature to share stray pet's information | Furstamp


Use the trace feature to share stray pet's information

Your information can help stray pet find its way back home | Furstamp


Your information can help stray pet find its way back home

Quick City Navigation

Pet Groups


Time Point

新北市中和區 中和路四百巷
account_circle Provided by Choco
schedule Posted on 2024-07-27
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 25 Views
新北市汐止區 秀峰高中對面
Found in 2024-04-04 05:00 Orange Mix Cat

Lost Pet Government Shelter

account_circle Provided by 阿北北
schedule Posted on 2024-04-04
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 13 Views
臺中市北區 英士公園
account_circle Provided by 阿中
schedule Posted on 2024-04-04
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 14 Views
新竹市東區 經國路一段
Found in 2024-03-23 23:04 Black Mix Cat

Lost Pet


account_circle Provided by 阿北北
schedule Posted on 2024-03-23
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 12 Views
桃園市龜山區 幸美十一街
account_circle Provided by 桃白白
schedule Posted on 2024-03-07
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 14 Views
white Mix Cat Search Traces Post Closed ()
white Mix Cat Search Traces Post Closed ()
white Mix Cat Search Traces Post Closed ()
white Mix Cat Search Traces Post Closed ()
屏東縣萬丹鄉 下蚶路230號
Found in 2024-03-05 21:21 White Mix Cat

Lost Pet


account_circle Provided by 屏仔
schedule Posted on 2024-03-05
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 14 Views
高雄市三民區 建興市場
Found in 2024-03-04 08:32 Black Mix Cat

Lost Pet

Accessories:紅色項圈, 亮綠色鈴鐺


account_circle Provided by 小高
schedule Posted on 2024-03-04
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 12 Views
white Mix Cat Search Traces Post Closed ()
高雄市仁武區 仁孝路343巷10號
account_circle Provided by 晴天
schedule Posted on 2024-03-02
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 24 Views
臺南市北區 大港街
Found in 2024-02-01 14:28 Brown Mix Cat



account_circle Provided by 晴天
schedule Posted on 2024-02-01
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 29 Views
臺北市中山區 大直美緹社區
account_circle Provided by 阿北北
schedule Posted on 2024-01-31
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 6 Views
新竹市東區 高峰路
Found in 2023-12-27 01:06 Brown Mix Cat

Lost Pet



account_circle Provided by 桃白白
schedule Posted on 2023-12-27
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 27 Views
雲林縣斗南鎮 中山路
account_circle Provided by 晴天
schedule Posted on 2023-12-03
memory Scanned Chip
visibility 10 Views
brown Mix Cat Search Traces Post Closed ()
brown Mix Cat Search Traces Post Closed ()
臺南市安南區 海佃路三段
Found in 2023-11-30 23:37 Brown Mix Cat

Lost Pet


account_circle Provided by 晴天
schedule Posted on 2023-12-01
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 8 Views
新竹市東區 三民路河堤
Found in 2023-11-26 05:15 Orange Mix Cat

Lost Pet

Accessories:藍色胸背, 黃色領巾


account_circle Provided by 桃白白
schedule Posted on 2023-11-26
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 12 Views
新竹縣竹北市 中華路
Found in 2023-11-25 06:54 Brown Mix Cat

Lost Pet


account_circle Provided by 桃白白
schedule Posted on 2023-11-25
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 30 Views
臺中市北屯區 崇德路三段&豐樂路
Found in 2023-11-18 20:51 White Mix Cat

Lost Pet


account_circle Provided by 阿中
schedule Posted on 2023-11-19
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 65 Views
新北市土城區 Times 土城廣福街停車場
Found in 2023-11-14 02:35 Orange Mix Cat

Lost Pet


account_circle Provided by 阿北北
schedule Posted on 2023-11-17
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 37 Views
新北市蘆洲區 湧蓮寺
Found in 2023-11-13 07:29 Orange Mix Cat

Situations:膽小, 不親人

account_circle Provided by 蛋蛋
schedule Posted on 2023-11-17
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 19 Views
高雄市苓雅區 尚勇路衛武迷迷村
account_circle Provided by 小高
schedule Posted on 2023-11-05
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 11 Views
臺南市東區 台南後火車站
Found in 2023-11-05 00:20 Orange Mix Cat

Lost Pet

Accessories:深藍色項圈, 藍白格領結


account_circle Provided by 晴天
schedule Posted on 2023-11-05
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 14 Views