Search Traces in TaiwanKaohsiung City Dog

pets Share a Stray Pet Sighting

View the traces of stray pets in TaiwanKaohsiung CityDog, confirm the time and location, and find lost pets or waiting for rescue. Or you can easily share the traces of stray pets to help them get back home!

" Search Traces " allows users to share information about stray pets' locations, appearance, and time of sighting on the website, increasing the chances of successful rescue and reuniting them with their families.

In our busy lives, what would you do if you come across a stray dog or cat that looks lost? You might not be able to wait with them or provide a temporary shelter, but you may still want to help in some way... So why not take a photo and upload it!

Visit Home and access the " Search Traces " feature. Simply take a photo, share the location, and publish it to lend a hand to the stray pets!

Spot a suspected lost pet or stray animal | Furstamp


Spot a suspected lost pet or stray animal

Visit the website and provide location and information | Furstamp


Visit the website and provide location and information

Use the trace feature to share stray pet's information | Furstamp


Use the trace feature to share stray pet's information

Your information can help stray pet find its way back home | Furstamp


Your information can help stray pet find its way back home

Pet Groups


Time Point

高雄市苓雅區 憲政路
account_circle Provided by 桃白白
schedule Posted on 2024-03-09
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 19 Views
高雄市新興區 美術東二路 & 美術南三路
Found in 2023-11-28 02:16 Black Mix Dog

Lost Pet


account_circle Provided by 小高
schedule Posted on 2023-11-28
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 18 Views
高雄市苓雅區 樂仁路
account_circle Provided by 小高
schedule Posted on 2023-11-05
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 15 Views
高雄市岡山區 岡山
Found in 2023-09-30 22:22 Yellow Shiba Inu

Lost Pet Personal Shelter


account_circle Provided by 桃白白
schedule Posted on 2023-10-01
memory Scanned Chip
visibility 25 Views
高雄市梓官區 梓官蚵寮國中
Found in 2023-09-25 05:54 White Mix Dog

Lost Pet


account_circle Provided by 小高
schedule Posted on 2023-09-26
memory Scanned Chip
visibility 70 Views
高雄市鼓山區 美術北三路
Found in 2023-09-18 09:25 Black Mix Dog

Lost Pet

Accessories:紅色發光項圈, Ezdog 藍色胸背帶


account_circle Provided by 小高
schedule Posted on 2023-09-21
memory Scanned Chip
visibility 21 Views
高雄市鼓山區 昌盛路
account_circle Provided by 小高
schedule Posted on 2023-09-20
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 11 Views
white Mix Dog Search Traces Post Closed ()
white Mix Dog Search Traces Post Closed ()
高雄市鳳山區 中山國小
account_circle Provided by 小高
schedule Posted on 2023-09-01
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 23 Views
brown Mix Dog Search Traces Post Closed ()
brown Mix Dog Search Traces Post Closed ()
brown Mix Dog Search Traces Post Closed ()
高雄市小港區 翠亨南路與平和東路路口
account_circle Provided by 小高
schedule Posted on 2023-08-31
memory Unidentified Chip
visibility 14 Views