About Furstamp

In the present day, as our furry companions have become part of our families, we have decided to extend a helping hand within our capabilities. In an environment where pet search efforts are not always as friendly in Taiwan, we aim to bring a glimmer of hope to lost pet owners and their pets, and also raise more awareness about the issue of lost pets.

Our own furry family members have also experienced being lost. The worry and anxiety we felt when our beloved pets went missing are still fresh in our memories. This drove us into action and invited fellow netizens to participate within their abilities. We hope that all lost furry companions can find their way back to warm homes.

Furstamp integrates map information to allow users and kind-hearted individuals to easily contribute by taking photos and uploading information about suspected strays. Fur parents of lost pets can publish "Lost Search" and "Pet Search" notices, view "Search Trails" information, and participate in discussions. We hope that kind-hearted individuals can collectively create a wonderful daily life for furry companions.

Do some friendly, in your day-to-day life. — Furstamp

This is our fundamental belief, connecting everyone\'s capabilities within their reach to help lost furry companions find their way home! Reducing the pain and self-blame of distressed pet owners!

Belly | Furstamp

▲ Belly, who wandered in the cornfield for nearly two weeks.

Belly | Furstamp

▲ Belly, who wandered in the cornfield for nearly two weeks.

The Birth of Furstamp - Stemming from Almost Losing

This story began when our furry companion Belly (a dog) got lost in Chiayi. We realized that for the police in Taiwan, a lost dog might be considered insignificant, and retrieving surveillance footage from intersections was even more difficult.

As a result, like many other "furbaby parents," we no longer solely relied on the police for assistance. Instead, we sought help from kind-hearted netizens through local Facebook groups, pet communities, distributing physical reward flyers, and even tracking footprints on foot.

In the end, after nearly two weeks of wandering, Belly returned home safe and sound. However, we are well aware that this method is not sufficient; we were just a bit fortunate.

We firmly believe that people have the intention to help search for lost pets at some point, but due to life circumstances and the environment, we aren't always able to help much. This planted a seed in our hearts, perhaps one day, everyone can contribute within their capabilities.

Belly Safe and Sound, Accompanied by Pipi

Everyone Can Contribute Within Their Capabilities

Our website initially integrates map information, allowing users to upload 'Search Trails' information. You can take photos of suspected lost pets or location information of stray animals in need of help, fill in details like appearance traits, and upload them to the 'Furstamp' website.

Lost pet parents, kind-hearted individuals nearby who have the capacity to temporarily take in pets, and rescue organizations can all view information and participate in discussions, contributing within their capabilities to help these furry companions.

Every published "Search Trail," pet adoption, and fostering information is the result of selfless dedication from a group of volunteers and kind-hearted individuals. We hope to use the power of the internet to connect everyone's capabilities within their reach to contribute in small ways to help more people.

Our intention is not just about finding lost pets, but also about saving every life. Every search effort involves a group of selfless volunteers and kind-hearted individuals. We hope to use the advancement of the internet to inspire more people, help them lighten their burdens, and aid lost furry companions in returning home.

If you have any suggestions about pets or functionalities, please don't hesitate to share your ideas with fellow "furbaby" parents and enthusiastic users.